High-tech skin care with immediate effect. FUHLENDORF® is an intelligent skin care concept that efficiently combines apparatus-based cosmetics and the skills of trained hands.  The synergy of state-of-the-art high-tech equipment and specially developed, efficient active ingredient gels aims at beautiful and healthy skin, but can also tackle problem areas. The focus is on effective ultrasound technology.  The ultrasound treatments are optimally complemented by suction wave massage and microdermabrasion. For treatments with a visible immediate effect! Available as a single treatment or as a treatment package.

Individual Treatments


Fine crystals are used to remove the uppermost layers of the epidermis in a controlled and painless manner. Cornification is loosened and the barrier layer on the skin surface is removed. This can help, for example, with pigmentation disorders and age spots, acne, stretch marks, tired or blemished skin and scars.

A finer skin texture with reduced wrinkle depth, as well as better absorption of active ingredients. 

Duration: 50 min
EUR 133.00

Face, neck & décolleté:
Duration: 80 min
EUR 173.00

Ultrasound Treatment

Here, the potential of ultrasound, long proven in medicine, is used for state-of-the-art cosmetics: With its help, active ingredients can be infiltrated deep into the skin - with immediately visible results. Optimal, for example, for activating metabolism and cell regeneration as well as for tightening connective tissue.

The aim is a smoother skin, as well as a significant reduction of wrinkles, pigment spots, etc.

Duration: 50 min

EUR 103.00

Anti-cellulite Treatment

First, the lymph flow is activated by a suction wave massage. The special feature: The rhythmic cupping massage thereby “aerates” the tissue and unblocks it. This can significantly improve the metabolic processes. Subsequently, ultrasound is used to introduce special active substances to activate fat burning.

To intensively tighten, shape and firm the connective tissue from inside out.

Thighs & buttocks
Duration: 50 min
EUR 129.00

Thighs, buttocks & abdominal region: 
Duration: 80 min
EUR 178.00


Perfect Beauty Package

1x complete microdermabrasion, 80 min
1x ultrasound treatment, 50 min

Duration: 130 min

EUR 248.00

Short Beauty Package

1x microdermabrasion, 50 min
1x ultrasound treatment, 50 min

Duration: 100 min

EUR 214.00

Cellulite Combi

1x microdermabrasion, 80 min
1x cellulite treatment, 50 min

Duration: 130 min

EUR 268.00

Intensive Beauty Package

1x microdermabrasion, 80 min
1x ultrasound treatment, 50 min
1x cellulite treatment, 80 min.

Duration: 210 min

EUR 418.00


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A visit to the thermal baths that you can plan reliably: Guaranteed admission at your preferred time only with online booking.